SISTERS’ UNITED – Donating to: Avery House Women’s Center (Rockville), Interfaith Works Womens’ Centers (Rockville) and Progress Place Women’s Center (Silver Spring); Contact: Sis. D’Mitra Lofton (301) 979-2926 for items to donate and pick up.
Easter isn’t just a date on the calendar, it’s the most significant event in human history. It’s the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, and His victory over everything that holds us back in our earthly lives. It’s the day we focus on the promise and power of Jesus and draw closer to Him. So, join us for this four-week study as we take a close look at the details of Jesus’ life, the agony of His death, and the overwhelming joy of His resurrection. Our resource guide is The Promise and Power of Easter which is available on Amazon (via this link
FEBRUARY 2025 Announcements | At A Glance! (click)
Celebrating Black History!
You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in the days of your youth. Follow the ways of your heart and whatever your eyes see, but know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment. ~Ecclesiastes 11:9
Highlighting Our Youth Every Month! Our Kids ARE doing Great Things! Contact Sis. Camilla Smith at [email protected] or leave a message at (301) 802-8270 to share our youth’s accomplishments!