
Welcome to The Grove!

Hybrid 11AM Worship


“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” ~Romans 15:7

Events in the Community

A History Hidden from View (click) to view information on the University of Maryland Geology student’s searcher early gravesites at Emory Grove UMC.

Zoom Link for Joint Virtual Bible Study:

Meeting ID: 819 8605 3414

Easter isn’t just a date on the calendar, it’s the most significant event in human history.  It’s the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, and His victory over everything that holds us back in our earthly lives.  It’s the day we focus on the promise and power of Jesus and draw closer to Him.  So, join us for this four-week study as we take a close look at the details of Jesus’ life, the agony of His death, and the overwhelming joy of His resurrection.  Our resource guide is The Promise and Power of Easter which is available on Amazon (via this link